
When it comes to looking slimmer, imagine for a second that you can stretch all your body, so that everything looks proportional. And guess what? One of the secrets to look a little bit thinner is to either make the upper or lower section of your body slim.


For anatomy purposes, let´s just say that from your feet to waist, is one section of your body, and from your waist to shoulder it´s another section. Since you can´t stretch all your body at once, you can at least make either your lower section or upper section slimmer. Let´s start from the bottom, if you wear a slim dress pant and your regular size blazer it will balance it out and you would not look that big. The other way will also work, if you wear a slim blouse and blazer, your upper body looks slim. Then you can just wear regular jeans or dress pants. You see, it is not that complex, just focus on one section of your body.


Now, if you want to go extreme, you can go slim fit on your upper and lower body, but unless you are going for a one hour cocktail or brief meeting, we don´t think it is healthy for you. We don´t want you to suffer the whole day at work with a really slim outfit, trust us, it is not worth it.


Well, we hope you have just learn how to balance your garments, remember that one day you can work on the lower section and the next day you can work the upper section. We hope you have fun with this trick and let us know how it works out for you!




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